Monday, January 31, 2011

how to make money at home / how to have a home job

If you are looking for some free work from home jobs or the best ways to make money 2010, listed below are my top ways to earn money on the Internet. Most of them are FREE and require no fees at all. Others might require you to make a purchase.
1) CashCrate (100% free method) – I made $866.97 dollars in October 2010 and I have posted a short video of that check at my CashCrate Review. I am now making checks like that at CashCrate every month. This is absolutely one of the best ways to get started making money if you have nothing or don’t want to invest any money right away. (13 years and older for this so it is a great part time jobs for teens and ways for teens to make money!)
2) Send Earnings (100% free method) This is a great way to make money if you don’t want to invest anything. (Please see the copy of the check I just got which proves they do pay – Send Earnings Check) As seen on the Good Morning America TV show, members get paid to do things like take surveys, play games online, read emails, and other things. You get a $5.00 bonus for signing up and it is always free. They pay by check and will never ask you for money.
3) Inbox Dollars (100% free method) You get paid to do things online you normally do anyways. You will get paid to play games online, read emails, take surveys, and other things. You get a $5.00 bonus for signing up and it is totally FREE with no fees. They pay you by check and will never ask you for money. (see my Inbox payment proof that shows that Inbox Dollars DOES Pay!)

Are you looking for legitimate work at home jobs or job ideas where you can make a full or part time living? Listed below are some great places to start finding that job or business that will let you work form home and stay at home.
1) The Keyword Academy (100% free first month) – If you want an honest, legitimate program that will teach you how to work from home making money online this is the place to go. This is where you can learn how to start a home business without the usual BS that seems to go with most eBooks and systems. I have been a member for over one year and you will be taught how to build websites and generate a long term income from them. Absolutely no risk to you as the first month is free – please read my Keyword Academy Review for more information.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

how to make money online

Writing articles is something that most people who are looking to make money do. The thing is, there are loads of different methodologies in this regards. I know of quite a few people who make money by writing for others but there are problems with this. They get fed up writing about things they have no personal experience or interest in. Also, they aren't able to make very much money because there are so many freelance writers in India churning articles out at next to nothing.

So I would suggest that anyone looking to make money writing articles, you are better off writing for your own websites. You probably won't be able to make as much as you like straight away however if you take a longer term outlook, this way of making money is much better.

The problem is that when it comes to how to make money with a website is there are those who preach very different things.

Write About Your Passions - Some will talk about how you should write about what you are passionate. So if you are passionate about collecting antique plungers then this is what you should write about. Where the difficultly lies is that there might not be that many people who share your passion.

So what happens if you spend hundreds of hours writing about antique plungers only to find that a mere 5 people a month search for antique plungers? If you are going to get so little in the way of searchers you will not make a decent amount of income.

Write About Topics You Know Nothing About - The complete opposite end of the spectrum when it comes to making money writing articles is to write about things they have no idea about but could bring in a lot of searchers and therefore money. This means that people end up writing about hair loss, acne and bad credit loans.

The problem is that if you don't know anything about these subjects and you haven't got any personal experience in them, you could end up writing total junk. You end up just rewriting articles that might have been rewritten from other sources. The end product is simply junk and you could be giving misinformation.

Worse still, many people choose to write junk on purpose. They will write hundreds of words of pure fluff that tells the searcher nothing informative. The articles can also be littered with spelling mistakes and poor grammar - on purpose. The articles might even have been written by a computer program.

The idea is that if the article tells the searcher nothing about what they are looking for, they will simply click on an advert in hopes that the ad will provide them with what they are looking for. More money can be made this way, until, that is, the search engines decide to deindex you for providing crappy articles.

When this happens your traffic will grind to a halt and you will make absolutely zilch. Nada. Niente. Nothing.

Is that really what you want to get yourself involved in? It can be soul destroying to wake up one morning to find that your income has dried up completely. I know because I've dabbled with the "darker side" of content creation. And I have to tell you that this isn't what I want to do any more.

Write Articles On What You Know - A happy medium is simply to write about what you know or have had some experience in. You don't have to be a world-leading expert nor do you need to be passionate.

What you need to think about is problems you have faced and how you have resolved them. It might not even be yourself that has dealt with it. It might be a friend or family member and you could write about their experiences. Maybe do an interview with them.

Have a look at this list and think about how they might apply to you:-
  • Your garage has a wasp nest in it.
  • Your child has head lice.
  • Your car has a dent in it.
  • Your heating bills are too high.
I'm sure that most of you will have had to deal with at least one of these problems. So just write about it. Write about how you felt. Write about different solutions you investigated. Write about what worked and what didn't work. Write about how you would deal with the problem if it happened again.

When you write an article you will need to think about what title to give it. This is the most important part of on-page SEO and they way to do this is to imagine what people might search for. Think about what you might have searched for when trying to resolve your problem

So, let's imagine you have a wasp nest in your garage. What do you think someone would search for. Here are some ideas:-
  • How to get rid of a wasp nest from my garage
  • Ways to get rid of a wasp nest from a garage
  • What to do if you have a wasp nest in your garage
Another thing to bear in mind about searchers is that people are lazy, impatient and cheap. Meaning they often include words such as these in their searches:-
  • Easy
  • Simple
  • Quick
  • Fast
  • Cheap
  • Affordable
So when you are writing, try and include some of these words in your article. Please don't try and stuff these words in in an unnatural way. If you go overboard it can make your articles appear spammy and this will piss a lot of people off.

Conclusion - I honestly believe that you need to be very careful about how you write your articles and try to make them as good as you possibly can. If there are a few spelling mistakes, don't worry, just do your best.

Put yourself in the position of the searcher. When you publish your article, think about whether or not you are really delivering what the searcher is looking for. If you title your article something like "Buy Really Cheap Wasp Killer Here" a searcher is going to get really annoyed if they click on your article and find that you don't sell really cheap wasp killer.
i hope you've used it...

Friday, January 28, 2011

How to make a model of our solar systems !

As a kid, you are a fan of the solar system. You know quite a number of facts about each planet. You even know the number of moons that surround each planet. As the science fair approaches, you are happy to take the solar system replica as your science project. You struggle initially since you do not know how to implement your own project. Fortunately, you actually have a way to create your own solar system. You just have to find the right materials to create an exceptional replica of the sun and the nine planets.
At first, the project might baffle you, but when you discover how a ball of Styrofoam or polystyrene can substitute for the sun or any of the nine planets, you will feel that you are doing an art project. You will need a pile of art materials to create honest replicas of each component of the solar system. You will also need metal wires to connect your solar system components.
When you make your solar system replica, you should be aware of the proportional difference in size of each component. Good reference materials are the encyclopedia, the internet and your high school science books. Take note of all the details shown in the pictures and make sure that you follow them religiously when you create your solar system replica. Create a few plans, color several balls, connect each ball together and before you know it, you already have a science project.
Materials Used:
  • 10 polystyrene balls of various sizes
  • 20 barbecue sticks
  • metal wire – 2 meters
  • wooden frame (1.5 x 1.5 ft)
  • varnish
  • paintbrush
  • paint (various colors)
  • polystyrene sheets
  • wood glue
  • pliers
  • pen
  • paper
  • masking tape
You first step is to create the plan of your solar system replica. Sketch the solar system on a piece of paper and take note of the sizes of each planet. Once done, finalize the dimensions of each solar system component and write them down on the same sheet of paper. You can write down the list of requirements on the other side of the paper for easy reference.
When you have completed the plan, your next step is to gather all the materials and tools for this do-it-yourself project. Go to a handicraft store and order ten polystyrene balls of various sizes. Show the sales person the plan for your solar system replica to make things easier. Once you have made the transaction, go to a hardware store and pick-up the wooden frame, the polystyrene sheets, wood glue, varnish and the metal wire. Most of these items are abundant in most hardware centers; you would not really have any problems finding any of them. Once done, go to an art store and pick up a painting kit.
When you have secured all the materials, get your painting materials and paint each polystyrene ball. Have an actual picture of the solar system when you paint each ball so that you will not have a tough time. Remember to copy the picture down to the last detail to maximize the realism of your solar system and impress your science teacher.
When you have painted your makeshift sun and planets, get ten barbecue sticks from your cupboard and stick one beneath each ball. Get the wooden frame and apply wood glue on its inner surface. Get the polystyrene sheets and fit them inside the wooden frame. Continue to stack and glue polystyrene sheets until you create a three-inch high polystyrene block. Once done, affix all of the balls on the block in accordance to the positions of the sun and the nine planets.
Your next step is to recreate the orbits that each planet travels. Refer to your plan to determine the length of every orbit then get the metal wire and pliers. Now, cut nine strips out of your supply of metal wire, in accordance to the stated dimensions in your plan. Bend each metal wire to create large ovals. When you are done, stick one end of each metal wire to its corresponding planet then tie both ends of each metal wire together.
To make each orbit stay upright, you can affix barbecue sticks in strategic locations on the polystyrene base then tape the sticks to the respective orbits. You can move your solar system replica from one location to another just to check if all the components will hold up. If a few planets fall, you can add more barbecue sticks to further reinforce the orbits.
At this point, your solar system replica is almost finished. Get your can of varnish and a clean paintbrush then varnish the wooden frame and polystyrene base. Eventually, the varnish will harden and reinforce the sturdiness of the polystyrene base. It will also make your solar system replica look more elegant. When the varnish dries, your solar system is ready for display.
Your newly-made solar system replica will probably garner “oohs” and “ahs” in the upcoming science fair. Whether you win the “Best Project” award or not, you will surely love the idea that you played God at least once in your life.
and it was a copy paste from that site .

How to Make FireProof Wood !

pay attention to this Important Note: Preparation will not make it impossible for wood to burn, just hard for the wood to catch fire .
1/2 cup zinc chloride
2 quarts water
1/4 cup ferric chloride
3 tablespoons boric acid
3 tablespoons ammonium phosphate
Into 2 quarts water, mix 1/2 cup zinc chloride (available from feed and grain dealer), 1/4 cup ferric chloride (available from chemical supply house), 3 tablespoons boric acid (available from drugstore) and 3 tablespoons ammonium phosphate (available from garden supply store). Spray or brush on 2 or 3 coats.
This preparation can be used in buildings, for outdoor furniture, camping equipment,etc.
i hope it be usefull for some of you ...

How to make profiteroles

Profiteroles are a delicious dessert that are slowly becoming popular again. They are small little pastries with a crunchy exterior, a chewy exterior with a cream filling and a chocolate shell to boot. They can be combined to make profiterole towers, an attractive alternative to cakes. Sound like a challenge you’d like to take on? Here’s how to make the three elements that make a profiterole: The choux pastry, the chantilly cream and the chocolate shell. The recipe makes 32 pieces of profiteroles

Choux Pastry

Choux pastry is the most essential part of a profiterole. You may not be able to make it right the first time around, but you will after a few tweaks and practices.


    choux pastry profiteroles
  • 185 ml water
  • 75 g unsalted butter
  • 100 g plain flour
  • 3 large eggs
  • Pinch of salt


  1. In a sauce pan, mix water, butter and salt. Put on low to medium heat and heat until the butter melts. Bring to a simmer, and once you’ve reached that simmer, remove from the heat.
  2. Slowly add in the flour to the mixture using a wooden spatula. Once you’ve put all the flour in, beat the dough vigorously (Tips on how to knead dough). What will start out as a crumbly texture will eventually form into a smooth ball.
  3. Put the pan back on to low heat and continue to vigorously beat it for around 30 seconds, enough to dry out the dough. Take the dough off the heat and put it in another separate bowl. Leave to cool until slightly tepid.
  4. Pre-heat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius.
  5. Put the dough in a mixer and use a whisk attachment to beat in one egg at a time. Mix until just combined. Do not overmix. Put aside a tablespoon of egg white for glazing later.
  6. Put the pastry dough in a piping bag.
  7. On a baking sheet, put a sheet of baking parchment on top. Pipe a glob of dough about 2.5 cm across and 1.5 cm high on the parchment paper. Space two inches between each dough blob.
  8. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Take out and insert a toothpick in the side to let out steam. Brush egg white on the top and pop back in the oven for another three minutes for a shiny finish.
  9. Let cool. Once cooled, use a bread knife to make “caps” by slicing into the upper 1/3 of the pastry, but not removing it entirely. Leave a bit to keep the cap on. Put aside.
The hard part’s over! Let’s move on to what makes profiteroles even more special: The cream filling and the chocolate shell.

Creme Chantilly Filling


  • 200 ml double cream, chilled
  • 1 tablespoon caster sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence


profiteroles creme chantilly fillingCreme chantilly filling is very flexible. To make your chantilly filling even more special, add some crushed berries like raspberries, strawberries or blueberries for a more colorful profiterole.
  1. Clear some room in your refrigerator to enable to fit a food mixer.
  2. Using a whisk attachment, whisk your cream until soft peaks form.
  3. Once the soft peaks form, add the sugar and vanilla. Whisk until stiff peaks form.
  4. Transfer the filling to another bowl, and chill some more until ready to use.

Chocolate Sauce

Chocolate sauce is always an additional delight to a profiterole, but you can easily enjoy your pastry without it. You can also use a shortcut in the form of Hershey Chocolate Shell, which instantly hardens to a chocolate shell once applied to food.


  • 1 x 10 g dark chocolate, 70% chocolate
  • 25 g unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons icing sugar
  • 100 ml water


  1. Break the chocolate bar into smaller pieces and combine with the unsalted butter.
  2. Melt the chocolate and butter in a double boiler, in very gentle and low heat. Once melted, slowly mix in the sugar.
  3. Add the water in a thin stream and mix until combined.
  4. Keep the chocolate sauce heated until the profiteroles have been assembled.

Assembling the Profiteroles

profiterolesThis is the last step in achieving your profiteroles. This is a generally fun activity with your friends and family.
  1. Put the cream chantilly filling in a piping bag. Slightly open the caps of the profiteroles and pipe in the filling. Fill enough just until when you feel a slight resistance. Put the caps back on.
  2. Do this for all the profiteroles until they all have fillings.
  3. Use a spoon to coat the profiteroles with chocoalte sauce.
Arrange the profiteroles nicely on a plate. With some powdered sugar and some berries, you could make something look really professionally made. Enjoy!

How To Make a Lady Gaga hair style

Lady Gaga is one of the hottest artists right now ( i dont think so but ... anyway) , and her hair bow is a funky hairdo that’s quickly becoming popular everywhere. Here are the different ways to do it.

Styling Yourself


  • Wide, flat brush
  • Styling gel or mousse
  • Bobby pins
  • Hair elastic
  • Clips


  1. Keep in mind that this hairstyle is only appropriate for those with medium or medium-long hair. Anything shorter than that won’t have enough hair mass to form a hair ribbon.
  2. Comb your hair thoroughly to get rid of any tangles. You can also use hair conditioner or hair gel to make sure your hair retains its shape after styling.
  3. lady gaga hair bow
  4. Make a half up half down hairstyle. You can do this by brushing the hair up from both sides of your head and the crown. Gather up the hair at the higher part of the back of your head and secure it by tying it into a ponytail using a hair elastic. Need more direction? 
  5. Smooth down the half ponytail by using your brush. Again, to get rid of tangles. You may also want to put some more hair gel over the the pony tail to help it hold its shape better.
  6. Take the ponytail and separate into two equal sections.
  7. Take one section and curve it out and back inward to where the elastic is placed. This will form one half of the hair bow. Tuck the tip of the section under the the elastic and secure this using a bobby pin.
  8. Repeat Step 5 with the other section of the hair.
  9. If there are any more stray hairs, keep on securing them using bobby pins.
  10. When using your real hair, you probably won’t make the same volume of hair ribbon like Lady Gaga does. Don’t worry, it still makes for a cute and unusual hairstyle that everyone will love.
  11. Hair extensions can also give your hair more volume and make your hair ribbon much bigger. 

Hair Ribbon

lady gaga hair bowA pre-made hair ribbon is another way to attain Lady Gaga’s look. Since Lady Gaga has grown much more popular, you can try looking for false hair ribbons in wig shops, beauty salons, hair accessory shops and even drug stores. Here’s what to keep in mind:
  1. Find a hair ribbon that matches your real hair. Or better yet, if you want to look exactly like Lady Gaga, wear a wig first and attach the hair ribbon after.
  2. The hair ribbon will usually come with its own clip. Clip the hair ribbon on the top of your head, the way Lady Gaga would. You can secure the hair ribbon even further by using bobby pins.
  3. Spray hairspray to help the hair ribbon retain its shape.

How to make dry Ice

I hope that this post be nice for you too. Dry ice is your quick way to freezing cocktails or producing fog. It is made of solidified carbon monoxide, which can be produced through a CO2 tank. Its temperature is over 100 degrees below freezing point, making it hard to handle physically. You should wear all the proper safety materials when you make dry ice. and ...
CO2 Tanks are Abundant
You can purchase a CO2 tank almost anywhere. It is used for diving, operating aquariums, and powering paint ball guns. Simply visit stores that supply those products and you can buy a CO2 tank. Just buy the smallest tank, unless you are planning to mass produce dry ice or any dry ice-based product.
Materials Used:
  • CO2 tank
  • gloves
  • goggles
  • ice bag
  • thick jar (no lid)

  • Before you start making dry ice, wear safety goggles and gloves. You can also wear a jacket if you are a bit clumsy. Remember, touching dry ice may cause severe skin damage, so you have to be fully protected when creating such a substance.

  • Cover the nozzle of the tank with the ice bag. Hold the bag tightly. Make sure that it sticks to the nozzle even if the tank produces a significant amount of pressure.

  • Once the bag is held in place, turn the valve of the tank to release CO2. Keep the valve open for about five to 20 seconds, depending on the amount of dry ice that you’re planning to create.

  • Turn off the valve.

  • Remove the bag from the nozzle and transfer the dry ice to a thick jar. Do not close the jar, since the air pressure coming from the solid carbon can shatter the container.

  • Repeat the entire process if you want more dry ice.

  • Dry ice may be hard to handle but it is easy to create. You should just exercise the proper precautionary measures to avoid getting hurt in the process.

    How To Make a Will

    Death is an awfully touchy subject but everyone should always be prepared for it. It can come at any given time and you’d probably want to entitle your property to your family instead of the state. You must make a will to ensure that the appropriate people will receive the things that you have worked for in your lifetime. Make the will as clear as possible so that legal disputes can be avoided in the future.
    The will, by definition, is a written document where the author names the people or the organizations that will inherit his belongings at the time of his death. At the event the author dies, the properties will be taken by the inheritors or legally distributed by the court. An inheritor has the right to question an unclear clause regarding the inheritance of a particular property. He can go to court and present evidence that he is the rightful owner of the property in question.
    Things to Remember when Writing a Will
    Remember, a badly written will can easily produce legal battles between your loved ones. You wouldn’t want to be responsible for the breakup of your own family just because you failed to specify some of the details clearly. Here are some things that you must remember before you start writing your will:
    • The will, in essence, is a law that overwrites other laws, unless its clauses are harmful to other parties. You must choose the inheritors wisely, since only you can unbind the clauses written in your will.
    • Only people of legal age can write a legally-accepted will. If you are under the legal age, your will be considered void by the courts. What you can do is write drafts of your will until you reach the age of 18 or 21, depending on the stated legal age of your state or nation.
    • You have the power to overwrite your will with another will. The latest will be the one honored by the law.
    • When formally ascertained by the court, you must countersign any alteration to your will. All the changes that do not bear your signature are considered void.
    • The will should bear the words “Last Will and Testament” so that it will be formally recognized by law.
    • Your signature should appear at the bottom of the will. Any information that is written below the will’s primary signature will be disregarded.
    • When legally formalizing your will, you should be accompanied by two non-interested beneficiaries as witnesses.
    • You must demonstrate that you are capable of disposing your property. In most cases, the court will check your personal and financial stability before formalizing your will.
    • You can consult a lawyer when writing your will. He will give you pointers on how to write statements that will not cause legal disputes in the future.
    • All the things not mentioned will be distributed according to the law in your state or country. You can place a general statement like “I give the remainder of my property to…” to take control of the entire distribution.
    Writing the Last Will and Testament
    Organizing information is a good way to ensure that your belongings go to the proper benefactors. With the sections of your will clearly defined, the chance for loopholes is dramatically lessened. You can also download a $30 will outline on the Internet, if you do not want to go through the trouble of typing and organizing stuff.
    Materials Used:
    • computer
    • word processing software
    • bond paper
    • printer
    • pen
    • folder/envelope
    1. Open a new document on the word processing software of your computer.
    2. Type this at the top-middle portion of the document: Last Will and Testament of <Your Name>.
    3. Once again, declare the will as yours, but this time revoke any prior will or codicil even though you did not write any of those documents previously. Keep in mind that anyone can secretly present a bogus will, especially if you are wealthy.
    4. View all of your assets and outstanding balances. Match each of them to the rightful individuals.
    5. To minimize errors, you can do this step on a scratch paper. Write down all of your debts and assets in one column, then make another column containing the names of your friends and family members. Sketch lines connecting people to assets and liabilities.
    6. When you have finalized the inheritance information, type the name of each inheritor along with his or her connection to you.
    7. State the properties or debts that will be inherited by each inheritor.
    8. Make a sweeping statement regarding the inheritor/s of the remainder of your property.
    9. Assign a guardian for your children, if you are a single parent. The guardian should be of legal age.
    10. Name an executor who will act on the clauses of your will at the time of your death. He will also be in charge of safekeeping your will. Make sure that the person who you will name as executor can be trusted.
    11. Print the document, then affix your signature on the bottom right corner.
    12. Review your last will and testament for revisions. Once finalized, place it in a folder/envelope and hand it over to your chosen executor.
    13. Update the will whenever necessary (ex. change in civil status, moving to a new address, death of an inheritor). You have the option to edit your will by countersigning the items that you need to change. You can also make a new will that will overwrite the old one. Make sure to tear up the old one, since it can be used by fraudulent individuals to grab a hold of your property.
    Living Will
    You can make a separate will for the type of care that you wish to receive once you are nearing death. This will is called a living will. In this document, you can write a special request such as euthanasia or for your partner to stay by your bedside until your death. The living will’s legal power is similar to the last will and testament. It can superimpose laws and obligate people, unless the requests are not humanitarian.
    Writing the Living Will
    The living will is much shorter than the last will and testament. Your only objectives are to write the near-death conditions where the will is to be acted on and your special request/s when those conditions happen.
    1. Open a new document on the word processor of your computer.
    2. Type on the top-middle portion “Living Will of <Your Name>.
    3. Declare the living will to be yours, then state that you are revoking any other living wills and health care directives made previously.
    4. State all of the near-death conditions that will activate the document. You can state incidents like an irreversible coma, being in a “vegetable” state, or in the occasion when all of the life-sustaining procedures do not work.
    5. List down your final requests.
    6. Review then print the document.
    7. Write your signature at the bottom right corner of your living will.
    8. Hand it to a selected individual.
    The will is your right to pass judgment on your family and friends, through the distribution of your properties. Such an instrument will show the true colors of people. Upon creating your will, some of them will suddenly become extra nice so that they will be given more. Better be observant of these people carefully, before you make your final decisions.

    How To Make A Living Will

    i hope you enjoy this post , and make a good will ...this was a copy from ! 

    In The Name Of GOD

    Hello my friends , im here to write ! just write and also copy/paste , posts which i like , from othere sites . so , here we will have different posts of different subjects ... any way , if it is your first visit of our site , wellcome and try to comeback here again . if you think that there is something else which can make site better , please let me know !

    good luck