pay attention to this Important Note: Preparation will not make it impossible for wood to burn, just hard for the wood to catch fire .
1/2 cup zinc chloride
2 quarts water
1/4 cup ferric chloride
3 tablespoons boric acid
3 tablespoons ammonium phosphate
Into 2 quarts water, mix 1/2 cup zinc chloride (available from feed and grain dealer), 1/4 cup ferric chloride (available from chemical supply house), 3 tablespoons boric acid (available from drugstore) and 3 tablespoons ammonium phosphate (available from garden supply store). Spray or brush on 2 or 3 coats.
This preparation can be used in buildings, for outdoor furniture, camping equipment,etc.
i hope it be usefull for some of you ...
This is a water-based non-toxic fire retardant solution that is sprayed on with a sprayer - works on most fabrics.